Throughout the Badass series of novels there are plenty of friends.
Fuínseog Druid Spirit Leader
Fuínseog Druid Spirit Leader “How did that work out for the Romans?” “Well the Barbarians are annihilating the Romans as we speak," Patrick [...]
Throughout the Badass series of novels there are plenty of friends.
Fuínseog Druid Spirit Leader “How did that work out for the Romans?” “Well the Barbarians are annihilating the Romans as we speak," Patrick [...]
The twins meet Skoweron early on in the book as they progress through the story he becomes an Intercal part of their lives and [...]
A telepathic elf-like girl who has a wonderful heart and cares deeply for the success of their mission. She too lost her father and [...]
Bally is a super smart and very friendly person, always willing to help while maintaining her humble nature. She plays a critical role in [...]
Sister Margaret Mary “Jaysis Noel, he is a gobshite! In one sentence, he has managed to upset half of the worlds Zefher Magic [...]
John "Lofty" McBride "Well, this shite-show has gone arse-ways,” Lofty is a strange person, hangs around with the storyteller [...]
Mochtá Lanionius “They might be unaware of demons. I mean, anyone who came in contact with them is dead. Well, except, you and [...]
Dárerca Eaegen Succat of Banna Venta Berniae “It just boggles my mind how clueless we all have been.” At [...]
Patrick Maewyn Eaegen Succat of Banna Venta Berniae “The fearful are powerless, I refuse to be powerless” At 15, [...]
Augustulus Odran “Whoa, I love you and all, but your murderous chaperone is standing right there.” Augie is one [...]
Múni is Patrick and Dárerca’s tutor and becomes Patrick's Holy Knight Paladin. Guérisseur Maléfique means evil healer in French. “Back to work, [...]