September 2020
Hocrás Mongrel “Obsidián”
Hocrás Mongrel Obsidián “I’m a Hocrás, remember? Oh I forgot, you must be struggling with your memory. [...]
August 2020
Fearred Mórdin
Conchessa plays a role in the story that at times is sad and then uplifting. She died three years [...]
July 2000
Sybhaul of Spéir
Sybhaul of Spéir “Please forgive our lack of preparation for your arrival. We had no idea you even existed” [...]
March 1953
Sister Margaret
Sister Margaret Mary “Jaysis Noel, he is a gobshite! In one sentence, he has managed to upset half [...]
December 1935
John “Lofty” McBride
John "Lofty" McBride "Well, this shite-show has gone arse-ways,” Lofty is a strange person, [...]
December 1931
Noel Jude Leigh (The Da)
The Storyteller (Seanchaí) Noel Jude Leigh “Scarce information indeed, most people today haven't even heard of Dárerca, even [...]
October 1920
Aonlíne of Chélsa “Q”
Aonlíne of Chélsa “This is a tea of my own making, it will be a bit of a [...]
May 0387
Mochtá Lanionius
Mochtá Lanionius “They might be unaware of demons. I mean, anyone who came in contact with them is [...]
July 0384
Dárerca “Dári” Eaegen
Dárerca Eaegen Succat of Banna Venta Berniae “It just boggles my mind how clueless we all have been.” [...]
Patrick Maewyn Eaegen
Patrick Maewyn Eaegen Succat of Banna Venta Berniae “The fearful are powerless, I refuse to be powerless” [...]