BadAss Translations

This is a list of translations from Irish and other languages that are found in the BadAss novels. With the exception of a few words that are made up from scratch for the use of the author these translations are as accurate as I possibly can find them

Ire: Caróg

By |2020-08-03T07:46:33-04:00July 18th, 2020|BadAss Translations|

Caróg, f. (gs. -óige, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Crow. ~ dhubh, black, carrion, crow. ~ liath, grey, hooded, crow.  2. F: Black-haired woman. Singular NOMINATIVE caróg, an charóg GENITIVE caróige, na caróige Plural NOMINATIVE caróga, na caróga GENITIVE  caróg, na gcaróg [...]

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